Guruduwara is a Temple, which stands by the Dhaka capital of Bangladesh. It is a Temple of Sikh religion people. Its situated stands by kola vhabon University of Dhaka campus. This Guruduwara is biggest than the others Guruduwara of Bangladesh.
It is said that, this Guruduwara of Dhaka where it’s situated, that place 1600 in the century Sikh religion pathfinder Guru Nanak stayed for the short time. In this time of stay he Elevation Unitarianism and Fraternity and taught many other rituals to conduct.

Sikh religions sixth Guru Hargobind Sings in his during times (1595- 1644 century) one Sikh religion preacher who called Vai Nath arrival in this place and started Guruduwaras construction work. According to somebody, Gurudwaras construction work started Ninth Sikh Teg Bahadur Sing during his time (1621-1625 century). Ending this construction work 1830 century. Later on, it is destroyed lack of maintenance.
After the independence of Bangladesh, in 1972 Guruduwaras buildings were repaired. In 1988-89 century its repaired extensively and adjust outside of the porch and adjacent establishment. Construction financing of the work, staying Bangladesh and Abroad Sikh religious affiliations give it through.
Horobongso Sing called Dhaka international jute organizations chief that time take care construction work. In 2011 century main buildings of Guruduwara beside Sikh research center, office room and guest room for foreigner visitors is built. Prime minister Manmohan sings wife Sharon inaugurate it.
Once upon a time, Guruduwara Sing has a huge property. Before Guruduwara Nanakshahis area has huge. To the north has entrance. Southside has well and buried. Westside has a shaw paved pond. There have some rooms for the fan of Temple.but nowadays it’s unavailable.

In 1915 to 1947 years Sri Chandra was a person in this temple. In 1947 to sixty decade until this temple destitution. After the independence of Bangladesh, it has been changed and gave a new look. Vai Piyara Sing maintains his duty at the present day.
Daily morning to evening two times treatise and the petition was held. Without it, daily Friday noon 12 pm to 2 pm weekly cluster and the petition was held. Parson read out glorification and scripture.
The glorification of Guruduwara attracted to the fans. Singer Kiron Chanda Ray is heard glorification from the guest house from a long day. After ending glorification and petitions served grace. Here Friday many visitors come and eat lunch.
Every religion people and any aged man women enter into the guruduwara without any restriction and take grace. Sikh people who live in Dhaka .they come regularly in the Guruduwara temple. Various types of religious people come also on Friday in this temple.
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